Tuesday, December 1, 2015

As we culminate adoption month it gives us a great opportunity to reflect on various areas of adoption. One of the most vital voices of adoption comes from adopted persons. Buzzfeed recently released a video where adopted persons share their perspective “I’m Adopted, but I’m Not…” 

“I’m Adopted, But I’m Not…” reminds us of the labels that can so easily be thrown onto adoptive families, adoptive persons, and birth parents. It reminds us that each and every person shares a unique adoption experience and a unique adoption journey. It reminds us that adoption touches millions of people all over the world; every race, every gender, every religion, every family composition. Most importantly, it reminds us of all the children who are still waiting for loving, permanent families. 

Surina Amin, LGSW - Outreach Coordinator, Project Wait No Longer